I am so pleased to have been discovered by Carolyn, my friend from the Cricut Circle and have been reconized on her blog:) Thank you for noticing my little crafty blog:)
Here is her address: http://cccscraproom.blogspot.com/ She has a lot of fun things on her blog:)
Some blogs that I have recently discovered:Carolyn: http://cccscraproom.blogspot.com/
Alex: http://www.youhadmeatcraft.com/
Brittany: http://curlylocdiva.blogspot.com/
Kerri: http://caresofkerri.blogspot.com/
Lori: http://scrappinmystressaway.blogspot.com/
ScootinGranny: http://scootingrannysworld.blogspot.com/
*** 8 things about me ***1:) I always knew that I wanted to grow up to be a wife and mother and artist. I feel like scrapbooking and cardmaking is my artistic outlet and I am grateful that I am a mother. Being a mother is the most wonderful and difficult role. I think motherhood is a divine role to play on this earth, roles being played by people who have thier own children and wonderful inpsired ladies who are mothers to others' children.
2:) Until Saturday, I was the proud owner of an old classic VW bug. I loved my car, but it was time to sell it. I'm thrilled that it is going to a home where the new owner is extremely excited and the bug will have 2 new siblings: a bus and a ghia. Eventually, it will get a change of clothing: red to OK cowboy orange and cream.
3:) I grew up in Midland, Mi. I miss my town, but do not miss 9 months of cold. Midland is a wonderful town full of parks and converted an old railway line into a fitness path called the RailTrail. I spent many hours cycling on it, rollar blading and running.
4:) My plans for this year involve reading, crafting, cycling and learning more about Asperger's syndrome.
5:) I've lived in my town in OK for about a year and a half. One of my favorite places is the Library. Because I am near OKC, the small library here is part of the Metropolitan Library System and I can order books online from anywhere in their network and pick it up here. When my boys were little and we lived elsewhere, they were horrid at the library. Now they love to come and feel the bag (or bags) stuffed full of books.
6:) I have 3 sisters and my parents. We are all very close, except my little sister lives the UK. I dont get to communicate with her very often unless she happens to call. I wish all of us lived closer together.
7:) I have 3 sons and they are all 18 months apart. That is the way God sent them to me, not exactly how I would have planned it. However, they are such nice little guys and I love them so much. They are just now getting to where they will play outside with out me worrying so much about them doing something hiddeous and its making my life a lot easier. Now that my youngest is 4, I'm getting to where I feel like I can breath and can mostly use the bathroom without company.
8:) I want to win the lottery, but am too cheap to purchase a lotto ticket. Until then, I will be a couponista. I love to get a good deal. My lastest good deal that I'm going to score this week? I have a CVS coupon for $5 off claritin, a manf. coupon for $5 off claritin and just printed of a CVS coupon for $5 off a purchase of $25 or more. Yes, I'm going to rock CVS once again and that is why I keep coming back...
Thanks for reading:) Happy Crafting and have a wonderful day:)